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Urine test for the New Psychoactive Substances (NPS)

Urine test for New Psychactive Substances (NPS) / New Synthetic drugs

The first test in the world for the new synthetic drugs !
• Screening: K2 - K3 - K4 - MCAT - MDPV
• Format : Dipcard

  • Reference : DOA-M05-16B
  • Type : Urine test
  • Manufacturer : NarcoCheck®
  • Reliability : ≈ 99%
  • Results in : 5 minutes
  • Packaging : Boxes of 25 tests
  • Standard : CE 98/79
  • Format : Dipcard
  • Origin : Made in France

Private individuals:
you can buy online from our drug tests retail shop.

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This urine rapid test enables the simultaneous detection of the main new synthetic drugs.

NPS (New Psychoactive Substances) are the new synthetic drugs that are investing a large part of the world. They are also called RC (Research Chemicals). They were popularized and sold under false innocuous names like "Bath Salts" or "Fertilizers".

They are in fact extremely powerful and very addictive psycho-stimulants.

Today, they are being sold primarily through the internet on more or less clandestine sites and without any control over the quality of the products. Therefore, consumers are never sure of what they receive, leaving the field to potentially very dangerous situations for their health and safety.

There are a multitude of these new synthetic drugs. They belong to several major classes of psychoatives substances, including synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones. These two classes are the vast majority of new synthetic drugs observed in the field, and this test is made to detect them.

  • K2 / SPICE : Synthetic cannabinoïds.
    The effects of these drugs are compared to cannabis, because they activate the same receptors in the body. In addition, these products are presented in the form of plants or herbs, which are actually impregnated with psychoactive chemicals. K2 is the first generation of synthetic cannabinoids to appear on the market in the mid-2000s.

  • K3 / AB-PINACA : Synthetic cannabinoïds.
    K3 targets molecules derived from AB-Pinaca. This is the second generation of synthetic cannabinoids, which appeared in 2014-2015. Like Spice, AB-Pinaca acts on the same CB1 and CB2 receptors as natural cannabis. However, this remains a completely chemical product that has already caused a significant number of hospitalizations and deaths.

  • K4 / UR-144 : Synthetic cannabinoïds.
    K4 targets all products derived from the UR-144 molecule. It is the third type of synthetic cannabinoids, which appeared in 2013-2015. Like Spice and AB-Pinaca, it stimulates the CB1 and CB2 receptors. It is now widely found in synthetic cannabinoid samples.

  • MCAT : MethCathinones.
    Methcathinone is a completely chemical version of cathinone, a psychoactive stimulant substance produced by an African plant, Khat (also written Kat, Qat or Chat). There are a large number of methcathinone sub-derivatives, which are sold mainly over the Internet. These new synthetic drugs are extremely powerful and can cause severe addictions.

  • MDPV : MethyleneDioxyPyroValerone.
    MDPV is a substance similar to methcathynone and pyrovalerone. It has also been popularized as "bath salts" before being totally banned. Its effects are very powerful and the risk of abuse is very high.

Each of these 5 classes of new synthetic drugs is screened independently.

This test thus shows one result by class of drugs.

This test is a qualitative assay (type "NO / YES"), and thus delivers a "NEGATIVE" or "POSITIVE" result.

Technical data

Cut-off : each substance is screened at a specific cut-off.

If the urine sample concentrates drug levels above the indicated cut-offs, the test will be positive for that drug, otherwise the test will be negative.

K2 / SPICE 25 ng/ml
K3 / AB-PINACA 10 ng/ml
K4 / UR-144 25 ng/ml
MCAT 500 ng/ml
MDPV 500 ng/ml

Note: this test shows no cross-reaction with other more "traditional" synthetic drugs, such as amphetamines, MDMA or methamphetamine. Any positive result therefore shows a consumption of new synthetic drugs.

Instructions of use

Available test formats


The test is immersed directly into the urine sample, which prevents any liquid handling.

Currently on this page.

Test cassette + pipette

Few microliters of sample are collected using a disposable pipette (included with each test) and then introduced directly into the test.

Available only on special order.
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