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K2 / Spice urine test (synthetic cannabinoids)

K2 / Spice urine test (synthetic cannabinoids)

• Urine screening for the detection of synthetic cannabinoids (K2, spice) use.
• Cut-off : 25 ng/ml.

  • Reference : DOA-K2-1S
  • Type : Urine test
  • Manufacturer : NarcoCheck®
  • Reliability : ≈ 99%
  • Results in : 5 minutes
  • Time of detection : 2 to 3 days after consumption
  • Cut-off : 25 ng/ml
  • Packaging : Boxes of 50 tests
  • Standard : CE 98/79
  • Origin : Made in France

Private individuals:
you can buy online from our drug tests retail shop.

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This strip is made for the detection in human urine of "K2" (or "Spice") type of synthetic cannabinoids (synthetic cannabis).


The synthetic cannabis is a completely artificial substance and has nothing to do with the usual cannabis/marijuana. Their only common point is to activate the same receptors in the human body (CB1 and CB2 receptors). That said, the molecules of synthetic cannabis and "natural" cannabis are very different. This is why it is necessary to use a very specific test to detect any use or abuse of this new drug, hence the usefulness of this K2 / Spice urine test.

K2 is the first generation of synthetic cannabinoids to appear on the market in the mid-2000's. This drug is still abused, but it is important to notice that a second generation of synthetic cannabinoids has now arrived, named K2 or AB-Pinaca.


This test is a qualitative assay (type "NO / YES"), and thus delivers a "NEGATIVE" or "POSITIVE" result.


Technical data


Cut-off : 25 ng/ml
This K2 / Spice test will be positive if the test sample contains at least 25 nanograms of traces of synthetic cannabis per milliliter of urine. Conversely, it will be negative if the sample contains less or not at all.


Detection time of K2/Spice in urine :

  • 2 to 3 days after consumption

NarcoCheck® Synthetic Cannabinoids test (K2 25)

compounds cut-off (ng/ml)
JWH-018 (pentanoic acid) 25
JWH-073 (butanoic acid) 25
JWH-018 (4-hydroxybutyl) 300
JWH-073 (4-hydroxypentyl) 300


Available test formats


The test is immersed directly into the urine sample, which prevents any liquid handling.

Currently on this page.

Cassette + pipette

Few microliters of sample are collected using a disposable pipette (provided with each test) and then introduced directly into the test.

Available only on special order.
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